AWS Certification Training Courses

Enhance business agility and productivity with an AWS certified workforce

  • Student Benefits
    • AWS certified individuals command salaries of £95,000+ per year (Indeed)
    • 6-12X more cloud job postings than job seekers; 60% of these job postings are AWS related
    • AWS certification is the highest paying IT certification in North America
  • Enterprise Benefits
    • Over 500 hours per year of server configuration time saved
    • Improve business agility with the launch of new products 75% faster
    • IDC puts the value of IT staff productivity gains with AWS at an annual average of £5.3 million per organisation (£65,384 per 100 users)
    • Leverage AWS to change the role of IT and drive business transformation

The AWS Certification Paths

Authorised training aligned with AWS Certification Levels

AWS Associate requirement by AWS: 1 year of experience solving problems and implementing solutions using the AWS Cloud.
This certification prep course is designed to help you reach the AWS Associate level.
Architecting on AWS (AWSA)

AWS Professional requirement by AWS: 2 years of comprehensive experience designing, operating, and troubleshooting solutions using the AWS Cloud.
This certification prep course is designed to help you reach the AWS Professional level.
Advanced Architecting on AWS (AWSAA)

AWS Professional requirement by AWS: 2 years of comprehensive experience 
This certification prep course is designed to help you reach the AWS Professional level.
DevOps Engineering on AWS (AWSDEVOPS)

AWS Associate requirement by AWS: 1 year of experience solving problems and implementing solutions using the AWS Cloud.
This certification prep course is designed to help you reach the AWS Associate level.
Developing on AWS (AWSD)

AWS Associate requirement by AWS: 1 year of experience solving problems and implementing solutions using the AWS Cloud.
This certification prep course is designed to help you reach the AWS Associate level.
Systems Operations on AWS (AWSSYS)

AWS Speciality requirement by AWS: technical AWS cloud experience in the specialty domain as specified in the exam guide.
This certification path is designed to help you reach the AWS Specialty level.

AWS Technical Essentials (AWSE) • course 1688

Cloud Operations on AWS (AW-AWSSYS) • course 1886

Advanced Architecting on AWS (AWSAA) • course 1690

AWS Specialty requirement by AWS: technical AWS cloud experience in the speciality domain as specified in the exam guide.
This certification prep course is designed to help you reach the AWS Specialty level.
Planning and Designing Databases on AWS (PD-DB)

AWS Speciality requirement by AWS: technical AWS cloud experience in the specialty domain as specified in the exam guide.
This certification path is designed to help you reach the AWS Specialty level.

Building Data Lakes on AWS (AW-BDLA) • course 1883

Building Batch Data Analytics Solutions on AWS (AW-BBDAS) • course 1884

Amazon SageMaker Studio for Data Scientists (AW-ASSDS) • course 1885

AWS Specialty requirement by AWS: technical AWS cloud experience in the speciality domain as specified in the exam guide.
This certification prep course is designed to help you reach the AWS Specialty level.
Security Engineering on AWS (AWSSO)

See All Certifications

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AWS Certification FAQs

Yes, AWS has learning paths by role, such as Cloud Architect, or Solution, such as Databases or Security.

There are Foundation, Associate, Professional and Specialty

In addition to validating your technical skills, AWS Certification gives you tangible benefits to help you showcase your achievement and further advance your AWS expertise

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