Data Science Demystified: Informed Organizational Decision-Making

Duration: 1 Hour

Data science is, without doubt, one of those terms that been overused in recent years—along with its cousins "big data" and "AI."  However, it shouldn’t be dismissed as a fad. Any organization without an effective data science capability is "winging it."

The term "data science" is unfortunate. It places the emphasis on data — a problem that is intensified by the contemporaneous rise of "big data." Data is a means to an end. And that end is making better decisions.

This on-demand webinar addresses the role data science has to play in informing organizational decision-making. It views the maturity of an organization’s data-driven decision-making capacity via four facets:

  1. Culture
  2. Data
  3. Methods
  4. Platforms

Earn 1 CEU. Credits are self-reported to the industry certifying bodies. Check their respective websites for details/qualifications.

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[Webinar ID# 1158]

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Andrew Tait

Decision Science Expert & Learning Tree Instructor

Andrew Tait is Chief Technology Officer of Decision Mechanics. Decision Mechanics specializes in decision science and the design/development of related technology.

With a background in Artificial Intelligence and Operations Research he is currently involved in helping organizations make use of machine learning to tease insights from their data lakes.

Prior to founding Decision Mechanics, Andrew held a range of posts in business, government and academia.

He blogs at and tweets in bursts at @decisionmech. 

Connect with Andrew!